January 1, 2022

Technical Team Lead joining

Say "Hi" to our very first employee


We’re very excited to introduce our first employee ever: Saman a.k.a. “Mister S-man” (yes… he’s quite a superhero!)

He was happy to share some words:

Hey, I’m Saman!

I joined the MOBILAR® team as a Technical Team Lead beginning of 2021.
I share with this visionary team the passion for evolution and education, which is translated through logic.

Since my childhood, I have enjoyed problem-solving and streamlining and automating work processes.

My first passion in which I could translate this love organically was in my previous employment in the Chemical sector, and I am grateful for the concessional nature of it that has strengthened my backbone to enter a world with even more digital possibilities!

With almost 6 years of experience as a Consultant Software Engineer, I enjoyed the human aspect of generating solutions for very specific questions.

Dealing with increasingly challenging digital issues, combined with the never-ending hunger for more knowledge in a digital world that is now reaching cruising speeds, is the challenge in logic that I was already looking for as a child.

Happy to meet you soon!



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